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 RL 21 Febbraio 2012 
Autore Messaggio
Grand Admiral
Grand Admiral
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Iscritto il: 10/04/2012, 18:04
Messaggi: 1615
Località: Firenze
Rank FSI: Commodore
Rank CKI: Prefect
Divisione: 5° Divisione Strategico Log.
1° Pg: Gabriele - Tattico
2° Pg: Gibbo - Ingengere
3° Pg: Sam - Scienziata
Messaggio RL 21 Febbraio 2012

Updated the description of the Phaser Quad Cannons; it no longer incorrectly describes Phaser procs as decreasing the target's weapon power.
This is a text change only.

Activating EV suits no longer cause the character's head to disappear.

Resolved an issue that prevented some players from assigning Bridge Officers to their ships.

Foundry mission descriptions will now always specify what type of rewards will be received.
Foundry Spotlight missions should now display the cooldown for the daily bonus reward in the mission journal.
Previous Foundry spotlight missions will now also receive the additional rewards granted to Foundry Spotlight missions.

The damage dealt by Temporal Disruption Device and Bio-Neural Warheads have been restored to their values from before the prior patch.

Engineering Team no longer cancels beneficial effects/modes such as Enhanced Battle Cloak and Guramba Siege Mode.
Resolved an issue that occasionally put all abilities into a 2 minute cooldown.

Added "Fleet Support Cruiser Retrofit" and "Fleet Kamarag Battle Cruiser Retrofit" to Shipyard T3 description in the Fleet UI.

Players will now be able to access Liberated Borg Duty Officers in the Omega Reputation store after completing the unlock requirements.

Resolved an issue that caused some players to have difficulties changing their graphics settings.

Fleet Marks

No-Win Scenario:
Increased the rewards for rounds 4, 5 and 6 from 5/8/13 to 10/18/28 respectively.
This increases Fleet Mark rewards by 30.

The following events now grant an additional 30 Fleet Marks.
Colony Invasion
Starbase Blockade
Starbase Fleet Defense
Starbase Incursion
Starbase Alert now grants an extra 10 Fleet Marks each time an enemy wave is defeated for the first 3 waves.
Azure Nebula rescue now grants twice as many Fleet Marks.

Defera invasion missions:
Easy missions now grant 13 Fleet Marks.
Medium missions now grant 35 Fleet Marks.
Hard missions now grant 60 Fleet Marks.

Nukara missions:
Easy missions now grant 13 Fleet Marks.
Medium missions now grant 35 Fleet Marks.
Hard missions now grant 60 Fleet Marks.
Mine Trap now grants an extra 30 Fleet Marks upon completion.
Added 50 Fleet Marks to each of the PVP daily wrappers:
Raze Enemy Headquarters (Daily)
Raze Enemy Secret Headquarters (Lt. General – Daily)
Dominate the Heroes of the Enemy (Daily)
Dominate the Leaders of the Enemy (Lt. General – Daily)
Claiming Enemy Reserves (Daily)
Claiming Enemy Emergency Reserves (Lt. General – Daily)
Reclaim the Neutral Zone (Daily)
Restore the Neutral Zone (Vice Admiral – Daily)
Into the Fray (Daily); To the Front Lines (Vice Admiral – Daily)
Pacify Enemy Heroes (Daily)
Pacify Enemy Leaders (Vice Admiral – Daily)



21/02/2013, 3:09
Grand Admiral
Grand Admiral
Avatar utente

Iscritto il: 09/07/2012, 11:27
Messaggi: 1042
Località: La mia stanza (Palermo)
Rank FSI: Senior Officer
Rank CKI: Marshal Guard
1° Pg: Sergio@ArsonistKid
Messaggio Re: RL 21 Febbraio 2012
stanno cercando di riparare la falla che hanno creato

Guardiamarina curvatura 5. Attivare
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Vice Admiral TAC liv:50 Sergio
Lieutenant General TAC liv:50 K'rodek
Subcmmander I TAC liv:42 Maiek
Vice Admiral ENG liv:50 Sabrina
Lieutenant General ENG liv:50 Gi'ral

21/02/2013, 14:59
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Iscritto il: 14/08/2011, 20:21
Messaggi: 390
Rank FSI: Senior Officer
Account: Lifetime
Messaggio Re: RL 21 Febbraio 2012
Aumentassero anche la quantità di Romulan Mark non mi farebbe schifo.... 10 x ogni missione su New Rom ........ un pò tanto esigui....

Vice Admiral Alexei Jarod Yuroz (liv. 50)
Male Betazoid
Starfleet Engineer Officer

22/02/2013, 10:52
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