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 RL 14 Febbraio 2013 
Autore Messaggio
Lieutenant Commander
Lieutenant Commander
Avatar utente

Iscritto il: 05/09/2012, 20:45
Messaggi: 323
Località: Sauria
Rank FSI: Staff Officer
Rank CKI: Superior Guard
Messaggio RL 14 Febbraio 2013
General :

Updated Gorn Minefield:
Addressed an issue that may have caused ships to become invisible and untargetable but still able to attack.
Resolved an issue that caused the mission given by Admiral Yanishev to not complete.
Updated the text for Romulan History Volume 5, Chapter 8.
Updated the text for the Accolade "History of New Romulus, Volume 1 Chapter 3".
Items that cannot have more than one equipped at a time now display their equip limit in the item tooltip.
Players who are dead while an Optional objective completes in a STF will now correctly receive the bonus marks.
The Antares 2 Upper uniform and Vice Admiral Coat now correctly allow Fleet Emblems.
Resolved an issue that caused the setting for Double-Tap to Roll to be toggled incorrectly.
Previously it would occasionally toggle itself without changing the setting.
Players with either tier Steamrunner will now have an additional variant to choose from in the tailor.
Padded Boots are now available in the character creator for male characters.
The Winter 2012 Fleet Project can now be cancelled.
Only a Fleet Leader will be able to cancel this project.
This permission cannot be delegated to members of lower ranks.
Any items donated toward the completion of the project will be lost and not refunded.
Any Fleet Credit earned by donating to this project is kept.
Updated Temporal Ambassador:
The episode is now level 25.
In the Federation mission Journal, the episode falls between Preemptive Strike and Hunting the Hunters.
In the KDF mission Journal, the episode falls between Keep Your Enemies Closer and Skirmish.
The Tier 5 promotional ship is no longer available after 10am PST on 2/14/13.
Being on a team will no longer create multiple interacts for mission critical sections.


Updated the New Romulus Reputation Store:
Added more Romulan Plasma ground weapon types:
Stun Pistols
Compression Bolt Pistols
Sniper Rifles
Split-Beam Rifles
Pulsewave Assault
If you have already run your Store Unlock projects, these items will be available without further unlocks required.
Federation and Klingon Starbases: The Winter 2012 Base Ornament will now start off as hidden after it is unlocked.
Players will have to manually unhide it in order to see it.
Embassy: Federation players who have unlocked a tailor in their embassy should now be able to purchase the Romulan Senate Robes.
The full description for the Starbase T5 Engineering Unlock should now display in the UI.


Foundry: Updated the display name and description for the Cheer animations to more accurately describe them.
Resolved an issue that prevented music from playing in Foundry missions until combat was initiated.
The Foundry daily missions have been replaced.
The existing daily missions have been removed.
Now, all qualifying Foundry missions will automatically reward a scaling amount of Dilithium and skill points/expertise.
Dilithium will be rewarded based on the average playtime of the mission.
All spotlight missions will reward the same as a qualifying mission, with two exceptions:
Once every 24 hours, the first spotlight mission completed in that time frame will get a bonus 1440 Dilithium.
Once every 24 hours, the first spotlight mission completed in that time frame will get a scaling amount of Energy Credits, based on the player's level.


Romulan Research Lab Scientist Duty Officers should now function as intended.
Updated Romulan Traits:
Renamed the Covert Operative traits to Romulan Operative to avoid it being confused with the "Covert" trait.
The Basic Romulan Operative, Romulan Operative, and Superior Romulan Operative traits now can stack with themselves if the player has multiple Bridge Officers with the same trait.
For example, having two officers with Romulan Operative will now provide the combined bonuses from both officers.
Decreased the critical hit chance provided by the Basic Romulan Operative, Romulan Operative, and Superior Romulan Operative traits to 1%, 1.5%, and 2%, respectively.
The Basic Romulan Operative, Romulan Operative, and Superior Romulan Operative traits now also provide a slight increase to critical severity.
The increases are 2.5%, 3.75%, and 5% Critical Severity, respectively.
Tachyon Mines no longer share a cooldown with Tachyon Beam.
Increased the Shield HP of several ships, including the following:
Aquarius Destroyer
Fleet Aquarius Destroyer
K't'inga Battle Cruiser Retrofit
Fleet K't'inga Battle Cruiser Retrofit
Heavy Cruiser Retrofit
Fleet Heavy Cruiser Retrofit
Escort Retrofit
Fleet Escort Retrofit
Scourge Destroyer Retrofit
Fleet Scourge Destroyer Retrofit
Fleet Norgh Bird-of-Prey Retrofit
Somraw Raptor Retrofit
Fleet Somraw Raptor Retrofit
Science Vessel Retrofit
Fleet Science Vessel Retrofit
Research Science Vessel Retrofit
Fleet Research Science Vessel Retrofit
Reman and Romulan Mk XII Space Sets:
Slightly increased Capacity and Regen Rate on both shields.
Doubled the Stealth and Detection bonuses on both deflectors.
Polaron Dual Cannons Mk XI [CrtH] will no longer display as a Mk VII Disruptor weapon.
Expose Attacks now display accurate Chance % and Duration, based on a player or Bridge Officer's Traits.
Exploit Attacks now display accurate Damage Enhancement figures, based on a player or Bridge Officer's Traits.
Resolved a typo in the power description for Technician Duty Officers.
Decreased the duration of Romulan Distress Call items.
Replaced the Viral Matrix II ability from the Romulan Distress Call – D'deridex Battleship and Operational Asset – D'deridex Battleship with Hazard Emitters II.
Omega Reputation:
There are two new Store Unlock Projects available, at T1 and T3, that will grant access to the Liberated Borg Duty Officers previously available in the STF store.
Clarified the power description in the tooltip for the Assimilated Tractor Beam.
This is a text change only.
Klingon Honor Guard and Adapted MACO Pulsewave Rifles' secondary fire no longer triggers the category cooldown on all Grenade abilities.
Engineering Team will now completely cleanse all effects caused by Viral Matrix.
Relativity Pistol: The Hold and Damage Immunity should now always last the same duration, regardless of the user and targets' innate resistances and buffs.
Flight Deck Officer: "Recall" variant now applies its Defense buff properly.
It applies a single time, consistently, of the same amount as listed on its tooltip.
Jem'Hadar Attack Ship Pets now have a higher engine speed and turn rate.
Jem'Hadar Attack Ship Pets' Antiproton Sweep power now properly obey targeting arc restrictions.
All carrier pets will be more intelligent about favoring their forward firing arc, if they are fitted with cannons.
Tricobalt Shockwave Torpedoes should no longer fire in a Spread pattern.
Updated Tricobalt Mines & Triciobalt Torpedoes:
Reduced the cooldown of both of these weapon types from 60sec to 30sec.
Their damage has been halved as a result of this cooldown reduction, keeping their Damage-per-Second constant.
The shared Cooldown on multiple Tricobalt Mines has been reduced from 30sec to 15sec.
The shared Cooldown on multiple Tricobalt Torpedoes has been reduced from 30sec to 15sec.
The global Cooldown for all Tricobalt devices has been reduced from 15sec to 5sec.


Tweaked the New Federation character and New Klingon character buttons to improve the appearance for the German localization.
Updated the Fleet event UI:
Fixed a bug where the event editor in the fleet events window would display February 1st as a Thursday instead of Friday.
Made all the input fields in the fleet event editor work with the mouse wheel.
A fleet event can be set repeat to at most 10,000 times.
Which if the event occurs every day until then, will put the ending time sometime mid 2040.
Removed the non-functional Custom option from the Foundry search.
Resolved the inability to admin custom chat channels with a large number of subscribers.
Resolved an issue that caused all Impulse Engines to appear to have the same values when viewed in stores.
This is a display change only.
The Fleet Level display will no longer be cut off for fleets with really long names.
Resolved an issue that could cause the Dilithium mining minigame to display incorrectly.

Known Issues

The Romulan Robes are not yet available for KDF characters.
The Foundry Spotlight mission cooldown does not currently display in the UI.
Foundry missions that do not qualify for rewards still reference Investigate Officer Reports Daily.
Some players may experience difficulty changing their graphics settings.

Sauria (Psi Serpentis) was the name of a trinary star system in the Alpha Quadrant.
The primary was a Class G star. Magnitude of this star was +1, which was 100 times brighter than Sol.
Both of the stellar companions were Class G stars, too. Sauria was the name of a planet in the system. too,
and had, by 2378,become a member of the Federation.

(Star Trek: Star Charts, United Federation of Planets I)

14/02/2013, 7:41
Grand Admiral
Grand Admiral
Avatar utente

Iscritto il: 09/07/2012, 11:27
Messaggi: 1042
Località: La mia stanza (Palermo)
Rank FSI: Senior Officer
Rank CKI: Marshal Guard
1° Pg: Sergio@ArsonistKid
Messaggio Re: RL 14 Febbraio 2013
non ho capito se questa RL è buona

Guardiamarina curvatura 5. Attivare
Immagine Immagine ImmagineImmagineImmagineImmagine
Immagine Immagine Immagine Immagine Immagine
Immagine Immagine Immagine Immagine Immagine
Vice Admiral TAC liv:50 Sergio
Lieutenant General TAC liv:50 K'rodek
Subcmmander I TAC liv:42 Maiek
Vice Admiral ENG liv:50 Sabrina
Lieutenant General ENG liv:50 Gi'ral

14/02/2013, 17:12
Lieutenant Commander
Lieutenant Commander
Avatar utente

Iscritto il: 05/09/2012, 20:45
Messaggi: 323
Località: Sauria
Rank FSI: Staff Officer
Rank CKI: Superior Guard
Messaggio Re: RL 14 Febbraio 2013
"The Foundry daily missions have been replaced"
Niente piu Daily dell'Investigate per dilitio e fleet mark...male,molto male :no:

Sauria (Psi Serpentis) was the name of a trinary star system in the Alpha Quadrant.
The primary was a Class G star. Magnitude of this star was +1, which was 100 times brighter than Sol.
Both of the stellar companions were Class G stars, too. Sauria was the name of a planet in the system. too,
and had, by 2378,become a member of the Federation.

(Star Trek: Star Charts, United Federation of Planets I)

15/02/2013, 8:40
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